I have created a new Telegram channel that I will start using instead of my current groups (KyroTV - English and KyroTV - Suomi). I have also linked a chat group to the channel. This is a private chat group that I have had for a longer time already with only a few existing members. However, I will now make it a public group. From now on, I will only post in my new channel on Telegram and then you will have the opportunity to comment, discuss or share your own things in the chat. When I make a post on the channel, it will also be automatically visible in the group and there will be a comment link after the post in the channel that leads to the chat. However, I will not delete the "KyroTV - English" and "KyroTV - Suomi" groups, at least at this stage. They can serve as archives for now. The reason for this decision is that I think it is unnecessary for me to have 2 groups since it is almost only me who posts anyway and the point of a group is that all members can share things. So I think a channel is a better solution and it also makes it easier for me because then I only need to post in one channel instead of in 2 groups.
The new channel is here: https://t.me/KyroTV
The chat is here: https://t.me/KyroTV_Chat
"You better do it — because you're not going to get any federal funding at all if you don't."
KyroTV's website: https://kyrotv.info/
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