There. Is. No. Virus. Terrain Theory explains how the body detoxes from impurities by creating what we used to call the fIu. The flu, influenza, a cold, pneumonia etc are now rebranded by a nonexistent virus called Covid-19 and its silly also fabricated variants.
There are no tests to detect Covid, or any virus, since none have ever been isolated, therefore cannot be proven to exist. The inventor of the PCR test Kary Mullins stated over and over again that these tests cannot detect anything, but one can create false positive results by running the testing cycle during testing on high levels like over 60. The tests are now also created with ready predetermined positive or negative results. These were made to make it easy for peer review studies to achieve the desired results the financiers of the study want. They either have the result on the packaging or you can view it before testing under black light. The pharma devils have many tricks up their sleeves to fool the masses. Stay awake. Survive.
"You better do it — because you're not going to get any federal funding at all if you don't."
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