Cancer is trying to Heal not Kill!
A cancerous tumor is basically a bag the human body creates to collect toxins that are contaminating the bloodstream.
A biopsy only splits open the bag releasing the toxic matter back into the body.
Radiotherapy causes the body to go into shock which taxes the energy needed to break down the tumor.
Chemotherapy poisons the whole body poisoning the bloodstream which only makes the body create more tumors.
The Cancer industry is worth $220 billion and by 2032 it’s poised to value $470 billion!!!
The only good thing to come out of CONvid is the fact that more people have become aware of the medical and big pHARMa corruption! So now it’s time to also understand that cancer is the biggest LIE of all lies!
"You better do it — because you're not going to get any federal funding at all if you don't."
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